Our Forex Solutions & Softwares | Syntellicore

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Syntellicore contains a rich list of modules and features that will help you successfully and efficiently manage your customers and at the same time offer them their own personalized area improving their digital customer experience.

Forex CRM

Syntellicore is a sophisticated CRM and Back Office platform designed for Forex Brokerages and Financial Institutions, enhancing operational efficiency and client engagement with cutting-edge technology.

Trader’s Room

Dynamic Works offers a comprehensive solution by combining Syntellicore CRM with a fully equipped mobile friendly Forex Traders Room. This bundled package enhances your brokerage operations with advanced client onboarding, multi-brand management, robust compliance features, and powerful automation tools.

IB/Affiliate System

The Syntellicore Rebate System makes the management of Partners (IBs and Affiliates) simple and easy. SmartRebate ™ is a Syntellicore App which will transform both your CRM & Portal into a full-featured, powerful Rebate Management System for your Partners.

Mobile App

The Syntellicore White Label mobile app extends the Traders' Room, enabling clients to onboard, pass KYC, deposit, trade, withdraw, and manage accounts from their branded application.

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