

Unveiling Syntellicore Brandify – a revolutionary feature enabling forex brokerages to seamlessly manage and publish multiple brands under a unified CRM. Tailor each brand with distinct branding elements, legal documents, onboarding processes, trading servers, wallet currencies, and account options, all according to jurisdiction-specific requirements.



Feature Highlights:


Tailored Branding:
Customize logos, branding elements, and disclaimers for each brand, ensuring a unique identity and presence in the market.


Jurisdictional Adaptability:
Adapt the onboarding process and legal compliance for each brand according to different jurisdictional requirements.


Diverse Trading Servers and Wallet Currencies:
Operate with different trading servers and offer a variety of wallet currencies and account opening options for each brand.


Chinese Wall Security:
Achieve ultimate data security with a CRM/back office that acts as a Chinese Wall between the users of each brand, ensuring confidentiality and integrity.


Centralized Management View:
Gain a comprehensive view of all data and analytics across brands, with customizable security settings for central management.





Enhanced Brand Presence:
Create a diversified portfolio of brands, each with a unique presence, catering to different market segments and jurisdictions.


Operational Efficiency:
Manage multiple brands efficiently under one CRM, reducing operational complexities and overheads.


Comprehensive Analytics:
Access aggregated data and analytics for informed decision-making and strategic planning across all brands.


Regulatory Compliance:
Ensure each brand operates in compliance with jurisdiction-specific legal requirements and regulations.






我们在Dynamic Works的主要目标是确保我们的每个客户都拥有他们梦寐以求的系统。 通常,Syntellicore复盖了经纪人可能需要的100%,并提供了许多额外的丰富功能和GUI参数化功能。 然而,有些情况下,主要是成熟的经纪人,他们希望维护和改进现有的程序和逻辑。 Out team与您密切合作,以确保您的员工和您的客户觉得他们有一个系统,使他们的生活更轻松。

  • 需求分析
  • CRM与交易室定制
  • 技术支持和维护
  • 交易系统基础设施资源
  • 托管
  • Syntellicore CRM Integration Services
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